Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

December 2013

What better way to celebrate graduation with a Masters then to go to Disney World with the family? I can't think of anything better, except for staying at the hotels on Disney property. This meant that we got to be a part of the tester group of awesome! You get to wear your ticket to the parks on your wrist, pre-program your FastPass selections the day before, and add a charge card during your visit. Made things so simple and really enjoyable! 

 When we returned, we joined our swimmer friends for some Gingerbread House making. The girls enjoyed the tasting portion of our house making.

 This was our competition...Liz and Winston.
 Girls were wonderful when it came time to go see Santa for our Christmas pictures. I really love our mall Santa at Gardens. He took the time to ask the girls their favorite things to do, what they were wanting for the holidays. Hannah said he reminded her to also give to others that our less fortunate during the holidays. aww...

 Hannah's birthday fell on Sunday this year and we started celebrating with a Krispy Kreme doughnut and getting ready for church to participate in the Christmas program.

 On Monday, we continued to celebrate Hannah's birthday with her class during snack time.

 I remember my parents taking pictures of us waking up every Christmas morning in our pajamas, so I have to continue the tradition...they look so sleepy and cute.
 Dan helped me make two creations this year for the girls. They now have a Grocery Store Canopy and Dollhouse.
 We also continue to enjoy M&M pancakes on Christmas morning while watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
 The girls really love their new Razor scooters. Still have to work on learning how to maneuver them.

 New Year's Eve brought lots of reasons to celebrate! Not only was it the start of a new year, celebration of mine and Dan's 7th wedding anniversary, and also our friend Kathi's birthday! We celebrated with the Sweeneys, and the Arnolds way into the first morning of 2014.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

November 2013

November started out with a Thanksgiving Celebration that both girls' classes participated in. This was a giant stage that fit both VPK classes and both Three year old classes! The VPK classes were dressed up as pilgrams (Hannah) and the Three year old classes were dressed up as Indians. 

So many cute songs were sung! 

 Hannah also showed off her "kindergarten ready skills" by helping me cut ribbon for the Grinch ornaments we made for Breakfast with the Grinch this year with Relay For Life.

I don't know where the rest of my November went. Either they are stuck on our home computer or I didn't take as many as I normally do because I was trying to finish my last two case studies for graduate school!